Find Out if Your Mobile Workforce Security is a Liability (and Fix It)

Mobile security illustration

The modern workforce thrives on mobility. Employees access data, collaborate with colleagues, and connect with clients — often all from the palm of their hand. But as Uncle Ben taught us, with great power comes great responsibility, there’s a lot of danger in the form of mobile security vulnerabilities. Lost phones, phishing attacks, and app-borne malware can expose your organization’s sensitive data. So, how do you know if our mobile workforce is a security asset or a vulnerability?

Signs your mobile security posture needs a major upgrade

According to Zippia’s 25 Trending Cell Phones In The Workplace Statistics [2023]: Cell Phone Use And Distraction In The Workplace, 84% of companies now expect their teams to bring and use their own devices, and 39% of surveyed organizations said they experienced a data security breach due to lost or stolen devices.

Unfortunately, with the convenience of mobile devices comes a multitude of security risks. Let’s explore some of the most common challenges IT organizations face:

  • Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) Blues: According to the stats above, BYOD policies are on the rise, but without proper management, they can create a security nightmare. A mix of personal and work devices on your network introduces vulnerabilities like weak passwords, outdated software, and risky public Wi-Fi connections.
  • Phishing Frenzy: Mobile devices are prime targets for sophisticated phishing attacks. Employees on the go might fall victim to overly disguised emails or texts, unwittingly surrendering sensitive data.
  • App Havoc: The app store(s) offers a dazzling array of tools and temptation for passing time, but rogue apps can wreak havoc. Without controls, unauthorized apps can steal data or introduce malware, putting your organization at risk.
  • Unpatched and Outdated: Just like computers, mobile devices require regular updates to patch security holes. However, employees often neglect updates, exposing them to known threats.
  • Data on the Loose: Employees constantly share sensitive information on the go — emails, client documents, financial data. Without encryption and secure access protocols, this information is vulnerable to interception.

Unleash the power of Mobile Device Management (MDM)

Just like Peter Parker had to learn, those with the ability to do something should use it for the benefit of others. Peter Parker had Spidey senses; you have NinjaOne MDM. As your organization’s own personal superhero, you can manage Android and Apple mobile devices alongside end-user Windows, macOS, and Linux, as well as servers, virtual machines, and even networking devices — all within a single, user-friendly console.

Here’s how NinjaOne MDM helps you transform your mobile security posture:

  • Easy Enrollment & Configuration: You can streamline adding iOS and Android devices to your management system, saving time, and reducing manual errors with NinjaOne MDM. Additionally, administrators can create and implement security policies and configurations to maintain compliance and keep corporate data safe.
  • App Management: You have the power to block unauthorized apps and remotely wipe data from lost or stolen devices, significantly reducing the risk of malware and data breaches.
  • Remote Wipe: Misplaced a device? NinjaOne MDM lets you remotely wipe all work-related data.
  • Building a Security-Savvy Workforce: NinjaOne offers unlimited, free on-boarding and training. We’ll help you get up and productive in days, not months. Training is always there for your team so you can continue to educate your organization about potential security threats and best practices for secure mobile usage.
  • Patching Made Automatic (coming soon!): We’re working diligently to bring this functionality to mobile soon so that you can continue to streamline security and empower your team to focus on strategic projects and support.

More than just security: The additional benefits of MDM

While a strengthened security posture is a primary benefit of mobile device management, it offers additional advantages:

  • Improved Productivity: MDM streamlines user access to company resources, allowing employees to work efficiently from anywhere, resulting in more productive, satisfied, and secure end-users.
  • Reduced IT Costs: With the release of NinjaOne MDM, you can now conveniently and efficiently manage all your endpoints within a single console. This eliminates unnecessary cost and complexity commonly fueled by IT tool sprawl. Your IT team can do more with less, improving service levels and strengthening security posture.
  • Enhanced Compliance: Mobile device management helps meet industry regulations and data privacy laws by ensuring secure access and control over sensitive information.

Which mobile device management tool is right for you?

Mobile device management is a powerful tool for any organization with a mobile workforce. However, it’s important to consider your specific needs and budget when picking the MDM tool that’s right for you.

Here are some key factors to consider when choosing an MDM tool:

  • Number of Devices: Consider the number of devices you need to manage. The tool you choose needs to be able to handle your workload.
  • Device Types: The MDM tool you choose should support the types of devices your employees use. NinjaOne MDM empowers you to see, monitor, and manage Android, iOS, and iPadOS devices from one console.
  • Ease-of-Use: Consider the user-friendliness of the MDM tool for both IT administrators and employees. NinjaOne MDM is easy-to-learn and optimized for power and ease of use.

The mobile workforce you’re entrusted to keep safe can be a security weakness or security strength. What’s it going to be?

“You’ve got the costume. You’ve got the power. You’re Spider-Man. Act like it.”
– The Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #33

Interested in learning more about improving your security posture with NinjaOne MDM? Click here to learn more and watch a free demo.

Next Steps

The fundamentals of device security are critical to your overall security posture. NinjaOne makes it easy to patch, harden, secure, and backup all their devices centrally, remotely, and at scale.

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