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What our MSPs are saying about NinjaOne:

Vi har været i stand til at bruge Ninjas automatiseringsfunktionalitet til at spare tid på opsætning af enheder, implementering af applikationer og patching, hvilket er en enorm tidsbesparelse. Der er meget i Ninja, som vi bare kan indstille og glemme.

Brian Kindt
Cherry Republic

NinjaOne gør det muligt for mig at have et ekstremt smalt IT-supportteam. Gennemsnittet i branchen er ca. 70 medarbejdere pr. IT-medarbejder. Jeg er på 252.

Ken Taylor

NinjaOne erstattede ikke kun vores behov for SCCM, men det var også nemmere og mere pålideligt end Intune fra Microsoft. Det er sjældent at finde et værktøj, der er så intuitivt og hjælpsomt. Hvis du er på udkig efter et cloud-baseret supportværktøj, er det her det rigtige.

Sandro Cetic
Leder af IT Automation Engineering

5-star rated from Managed Service Providers and IT Pros

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GetApp 5 stars
G2 Crowd 5 sars
SoftwareAdvice 5 Stars

Real-Time Endpoint Monitoring

Get real-time performance data for Windows and Mac endpoints. Leverage 100+ out of the box conditions to alert on hard disk usage, bandwidth issues, and more!

Easy Remote Access

Connect to your devices through a fast drop-down search and one-click to initiate remote access connection. Supports both attended and unattended access modes.

Automated Patching

Support for 120+ common applications such as Dropbox, Browsers, Java, and more. Report on patch compliance for all your devices to ensure your IT environment is secure.
Automated Patching

Advanced Reporting

Leverage NinjaOne’s powerful reporting tools to ensure IT compliance, track hardware and software assets, and to illustrate the value of Managed Services being offered.

Endpoint Security

NinjaOne will manage the licensing and deployment of Webroot and give you the ability to remediate, schedule scans, and run security audits all within the single-pane dashboard.
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