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Was unsere Kunden über NinjaOne sagen

The exciting thing about NinjaOne is that it is a one-stop shop. NinjaOne has all the bells and whistles of other centralized configuration managers, but without the expensive price tag.

John Kavati
Global Director of IT Operations at Patra

We’ve been able to use Ninja’s automation functionality to save time on device setup, application deployment, and patching, which is a huge time saver. There is a lot in Ninja that we can just set and forget.

Brian Kindt
IT Director
Cherry Republic

NinjaOne allows me to have an extremely lean IT support team. Common industry average is roughly 70 employees to one IT staff. I’m at 252.

Ken Taylor

5-Sterne Wertung von Managed Service Providern und IT-Experten

Capterra 5 Sterne
GetApp 5 Sterne
G2 5 stars
Software Beratung 5 Sterne

Echtzeit Endpunktüberwachung

Beziehen Sie Informationen für Ihre Windows und Mac Endpunkte in Echtzeit. Setzen Sie 100+ Out-of-the-Box Bedingungen wirksam ein um Warnungen zur Speicherauslastung, Bandbreitenauslastung und vielem mehr zu erhalten!

Nahtlose Fernwartung

Verbinden Sie sich mit Ihren Geräten mit Hilfe einer intuitiven Drop-Down Suche und einer Ein-Klick-Fernzugriff Verbindung. Unterstützt wird dabei Fernsupport und Fernzugriff.

Automatisiertes Patching

Support for 120+ common applications such as Dropbox, Browsers, Java, and more. Report on patch compliance for all your devices to ensure your IT environment is secure.
Automated Patching

Ausführliche Berichterstattung

Leverage NinjaOne’s powerful reporting tools to ensure IT compliance, track hardware and software assets, and to illustrate the value of Managed Services being offered.


NinjaOne will manage the licensing and deployment of Webroot and give you the ability to remediate, schedule scans, and run security audits all within the single-pane dashboard.

Sehen Sie NinjaOne in Aktion!

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