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Verwendete Produkte: erschließt Wachstum durch NinjaOne-Automatisierungen

  • Aufwendige Arbeiten vor Ort
  • Fehlende Skalierbarkeit
  • Einfach zu bedienende Remote-Lösung
  • Cloud-basiertes RMM
  • Automatisierungen reduzieren manuelle Arbeit
  • Skalierbares Tool
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Verwendete Produkte:

Since 2008, Managing Director Peter Lachenmair has been offering reliable and agile IT services as a classic system house. With, the focus is on IT security and IT management consulting, but with the corporate philosophy of never losing sight of the craft of managed services.

It all started with private customers and smaller companies in the Augsburg area. The main activities consisted of checking servers, network management and other day-to-day maintenance work. Over the years, the number of customers grew and the number of endpoints managed continued to grow. The lack of time capacity was initially compensated for with the help of external resources, but Managing Director Peter Lachenmair began to look for a long-term solution to make everyday work easier. The aim was to automate processes so that inquiries and everyday maintenance work did not have to be processed on site at the customer’s site. Managing Director Peter Lachenmair reports that they began to standardize all customers by setting up systems in a compliant manner and, in a second step, adapting them to the customer’s individual needs. In addition, they began to create customer-specific reports and switch to remote maintenance and remote work. „But until 3-4 years ago, this was really manual work. The customer had a problem, we did a remote session and we practically shifted the sneaker work to mouse path work,“ says Managing Director Peter Lachenmair.

The first step towards managed services began with antivirus software. Managing Director Peter Lachenmair reports that they set up their virus protection in the cloud and offered managed antivirus to their customers. Since this offer was very well received by their customers, Managing Director Peter Lachenmair started looking for an RMM solution to further drive the centralization of his IT management.

„We looked at different RMM solutions. Solarwinds was not convincing because the performance of the web application was too slow for my claim.“

– Peter Lachenmair, Managing Director


NinjaOne had not only convinced with the name, so quickly decided to become a partner and began implementing the NinjaOne software.

How NinjaOne Powerful IT Automation Made’s Day-to-Day Tasks Easier

„Because we no longer have to manually complete classic janitorial tasks using NinjaOne’s scripting and automation features, the volume of support calls has decreased significantly. 10% – 15% of the calls simply don’t happen at all, which gives us more resources for new projects and consulting.“

– Peter Lachenmair, Managing Director

NinjaOne’s straightforward IT automation saves time on a day-to-day basis and increases productivity by allowing policy-based automation to manage patch management, antivirus, and backup. This can be flexibly distributed across companies, locations and dynamic groups. Depending on requirements or schedules, agrees on appropriate processes with customers to carry out necessary measures, such as restarting servers.

Furthermore, Managing Director Peter Lachenmair reports that with the help of NinjaOne’s IT asset monitoring and notifications, security messages can be reacted to directly without having to travel to the customer’s site to patch an Exchange server, for example. This allows IT problems to be solved quickly and easily and downtime to be avoided. „I am currently wondering why we still have a ticket system, because almost no inquiries are made about the classic network topics,“ says Managing Director Peter Lachenmair.

RMM software that helps companies grow their business

In addition to the implementation of IT consulting projects, NinjaOne enables me to reliably support numerous physical devices, as well as cloud monitoring of virtual machines.“

– Peter Lachenmair, Managing Director

CEO Peter Lachenmair says NinjaOne’s straightforward cross-platform endpoint management allows him to offer managed services alongside his actual project business. This area of activity ensures constant income for the company and allows to expand and expand its additional fields of offering.

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