Software Inventory Reports

Software inventory reports are a vital feature in the realm of IT Asset Management. They provide a detailed overview of all the software installed on a network’s computers, including recently installed software, software usage, software product keys, and specific software updates like macOS Catalina upgrade. In today’s digital age, managing software assets is as important as managing physical assets.

Without a clear understanding of what software is installed where, organizations can face security risks, compliance issues, and unnecessary spending. The tasks associated with software inventory reports are diverse.

They assist in monitoring and controlling software licenses, guaranteeing adherence to software usage rules, detecting unauthorized or harmful software, strategizing for upgrades or migrations, and maximizing software spending. Software inventory reports, beyond being a feature, play a vital role in IT Asset Management, assisting in software management, security enhancement, and operational efficiency.

How to Administer Software Inventory Reports Without NinjaOne?

Conducting software inventory reports without a tool like NinjaOne can be quite challenging. One method is Manual Inventory Tracking, where IT administrators have to document software installations and updates manually. This process can be time-consuming and prone to errors.

Another approach is Spreadsheet Management. Some organizations use spreadsheets to track their software inventory. However, these can quickly become outdated and difficult to maintain. Without dedicated software inventory tools, IT teams may face Limited Visibility. They might struggle to gain a comprehensive view of all software assets across their network. This lack of automation also increases Security Risks. Manual inventory tracking can lead to overlooking unauthorized or outdated software installations, leaving systems vulnerable to security threats.

Lastly, there are Compliance Challenges. Meeting regulatory compliance requirements becomes more difficult without automated software inventory management. This could potentially lead to costly penalties and fines.

  • Access the Reporting page by clicking Reporting from the menu.
  • From the page Reporting, click Create.
  • From the dropdown menu, select Summary Report. The dialog Create New Summary Report appears.
  • Input the desired Name and Description for the new report template.
  • Ensure that the “Target Type” is configured to “Organization”.
  • Click the field Create from the template and select Asset Summary.
  • Use Default Report Filters to adjust default-generated report output results. The report viewer can update any filter dynamically:
  • Limit report results by designated Organization.
  • Restrict report results by a Location defined within the selected Organization.
  • Filter report results based on an existing Device Group.
  • Designate custom time/date range for report results.
  • Next, click Customize. Then add the section named “Software Inventory”.
  • You can further customize your report by adding other sections like Software Added/Removed.
  • Once satisfied with the sections that you’ve selected, click OK and then hit Save.

NinjaOne stands out in software inventory reporting with its comprehensive data collection, customizable reports, real-time updates, and automation features.

  1. Comprehensive and Accurate Data Collection: NinjaOne excels in collecting comprehensive and accurate data about software installations across your organization’s devices. This ensures that you have a complete and reliable view of your software inventory.
  2. Customizable and Flexible Reporting: NinjaOne allows you to customize and tailor your reports according to your specific needs. You can choose the data points, filters, and sections that are most relevant to your organization, providing you with actionable insights.
  3. Real-time Updates and Monitoring: NinjaOne provides real-time updates and monitoring of your software inventory. This feature ensures that you are always aware of the latest software installations, updates, and removals. By staying informed in real-time, you can make prompt and well-informed decisions regarding your software inventory.
  4. Automation and Scheduled Reporting: NinjaOne offers automation features that streamline the reporting process. You can schedule regular reports to be generated automatically, saving time and effort. This ensures that you always have the latest software inventory reports without manual intervention.
  • Regularly schedule automated software scans to maintain an up-to-date inventory of installed applications.
  • Leverage integration capabilities to synchronize software inventory data with other IT management tools and systems for enhanced visibility and control.
  • Define concise policies and procedures governing software acquisition, deployment, and decommissioning to optimize lifecycle management processes.
  • Conduct periodic audits of software inventory data to identify discrepancies and ensure data accuracy.
  • Continuously monitor software usage patterns and user feedback to optimize software licensing and usage.

NinjaOne software inventory reporting provides organizations with valuable insights and actionable information to manage their software assets effectively. Let’s explore three key use cases where NinjaOne excels.

  1. License Compliance and Optimization: NinjaOne helps organizations ensure license compliance by providing accurate and up-to-date information about software installations. It helps identify any unauthorized or unlicensed software, allowing organizations to take necessary actions to maintain compliance.
  2. Security and Vulnerability Management: NinjaOne plays an integral role in overseeing security and vulnerability management. Offering timely updates on software installations, NinjaOne enables organizations to promptly detect and remedy any security vulnerabilities or outdated software versions. This facilitates the maintenance of a secure software environment and the mitigation of potential risks.
  3. IT Asset Management and Planning: NinjaOne’s comprehensive data collection and customizable reports make it an invaluable tool for IT asset management and planning. Through the analysis of their software inventory, organizations can acquire valuable insights. This information aids in making informed decisions about software procurement, upgrades, and retirement, optimizing IT asset management strategies.


Software inventory reports refer to comprehensive documentation that provides detailed information about the software assets within an organization. These reports typically include data such as the software applications installed on various devices, license information, version numbers, usage statistics, and other relevant details.

For Windows systems, you can utilize Command Prompt or PowerShell. In Command Prompt, typing “wmic product get name, version” will list all installed software along with their versions. Similarly, in PowerShell, running “Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Select-Object Name, Version” will provide a similar list. On macOS, Terminal can be used by running “system_profiler SPApplicationsDataType” to list installed applications and versions.

Once you’ve gathered the data, compile it into a centralized document like a spreadsheet for easy analysis and reference. Regularly updating the report ensures it reflects the current state of software installations. Analyze the report to identify discrepancies, outdated versions, or potential security vulnerabilities that may require attention.

Utilizing NinjaOne for software inventory brings additional benefits such as centralized management, automated reporting, and seamless integration with other IT management functionalities, enhancing efficiency and reducing manual effort in software inventory management tasks.

Hardware and software inventories are two separate but crucial aspects of IT asset management. The hardware inventory focuses on identifying and managing the physical devices and components that make up an organization’s IT infrastructure. This includes information like the device’s brand, model, serial number, specifications, and physical location. The goal of hardware inventory is to keep track of assets, plan for upgrades or replacements, and ensure proper maintenance and support.

On the other hand, software inventory is concerned with identifying and managing the software applications installed on these devices. This includes details such as the software’s name, version, publisher, date of installation, license information, and usage statistics. The purpose of software inventory is to understand software assets, ensure compliance with licenses, manage updates and patches, maximize usage, and identify potential security risks.

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