What is Operational Efficiency?

Operational efficiency measures the optimization of your business processes and resources to reduce operating costs and maintain or improve productivity. It is a crucial metric for all industries: The greater the operational efficiency, the more likely your company will be profitable.

You can optimize your processes in many ways, from streamlining basic operators to eliminating redundant processes. Regardless, the main goal of any optimization strategy is to remove waste in your organization in these areas:

  • Resources. In this increasingly digital age, you must learn to plan, schedule, and allocate your resources so you never have less or more than you need at any time.
  • Production. This refers to your current production environment. Ensure that your team members (and the equipment they use) are working as well as they can or should.
  • Distribution. Make sure that you can effectively deliver your services on time to your end-users.

As you can see, operational efficiency requires a more holistic approach to management and the development of a series of strategies to keep your business running smoothly.

The importance of operational efficiency

Today’s operational efficiency is measured not only by the quality and level of expertise of your services but also by your ability to deliver exceptional results in the shortest amount of time. These days, the modern consumer wants things done as quickly as possible and is less forgiving of companies that take longer than usual to deliver any sort of output.

But this is where a gray area arises. Many high-level executives mistake operational efficiency for cost-cutting — After all, you can improve costs by spending less.

However, this depends on where the cost-cutting is being implemented. If you inadvertently reduce expenses in one area that could improve efficiency in the future, you may lose out on more money in the long run. Keep in mind that operational efficiency is not one specific metric but a combination of measurements that define how well your business operates.

This is why operational efficiency is so important. An efficient company is more streamlined, flexible, and able to make better profits.

Efficiency vs. productivity

Efficiency and productivity are often interchanged, but they are two different concepts. Efficiency refers to how well your team uses resources and produces minimal waste to achieve a specific result. Productivity, however, focuses on output or how much your team members can produce.

Stated simply, productivity is how much work gets done, but efficiency is how well it gets done. Ideally, your team should have both for you to realize better business outcomes.

Operational efficiency vs productivity comparison graphic

IT trends affecting operational efficiency

Digital technologies have heavily influenced how organizations approach and measure operational efficiency. This is particularly worth noting for companies within the IT industry, as these technologies also play a role in other aspects of their business operations. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Artificial intelligence

More companies are leveraging generative AI to optimize their processes, reduce redundancy, and improve productivity. In fact, 65% of business leaders say that their organizations regularly use gen AI for at least one business function (McKinsey, 2024), with more companies worldwide considering automation to become more efficient.


Automation can reduce human error by eliminating time-consuming, repetitive tasks, allowing your technicians to focus on more strategic projects. Automation may help make your IT company more efficient and productive, especially if you partner with a trusted software vendor. For example, 95% of NinjaOne’s RMM clients report increased IT efficiency with automation.

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Business analytics

It is important that your IT technicians are data literate and know how to interpret and analyze data. Combined with generative AI and automation, experts predict that business analytics will be a strategic growth driver for many organizations (Gartner, 2024). Data analytics can give you unique insights into your organization, allowing you to make better, more appropriate decisions. One tool to consider is Power BI.

Cloud computing

Cloud computing helps you store and access data and programs on remote servers. Providers that offer Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) stand to benefit the most from cloud computing as the technology can significantly lower costs while increasing a company’s capacity for various data. This may have contributed to analysts predicting that the global cloud computing market will reach $1.4 trillion by 2027 (Yahoo! Finance, 2024).

Internet of Things (IoT) security

Experts estimate that there will be 29 billion IoT devices by 2030 (Statistica), necessitating a cybersecurity strategy to protect IoT devices. IoT security plays a crucial role in operational efficiency, as it determines your team’s ability to prevent and resolve technical vulnerabilities that can be exploited by threat actors.

Benefits of operational efficiency

Business leaders have listed operational efficiency as one of their top three organizational priorities (McKinsey, The State of Organisations 2023). This is because operational efficiency can lead to the following:

  • Reduced costs. Optimizing processes leads to reduced expenses across all departments in your organization.
  • Streamlined tasks. You can leverage automation to reduce manual tasks. This leads to faster and more reliable processes and reduces the risk of human error.
  • Happier employees. Operational efficiency can improve work/life balance and allow your team members to focus on tasks they enjoy doing.
  • Happier customers. Operational efficiency improves service and product quality, leading to more satisfied customers. One aspect to also consider when designing your optimization strategy is proactive IT support.
  • Increased agility and resilience. The right optimization strategy enables your team to analyze data and quickly make decisions for sustained growth.
  • Competitive advantage. Operating efficiently can improve your market value and differentiate your company from your peers. In your MSP marketing, for example, you can detail how your company offers cost-effective products with proven ROI.

How to improve operational efficiency

Optimize your resources

Resource utilization is a key aspect of operational efficiency. It involves allocating and managing available resources to maximize productivity and reduce costs. Within the IT industry, this is most evident in remote monitoring and management software.

An RMM solution is an all-in-one software that helps you become more efficient by providing a wide range of features and functions to optimize several business processes.

Customer story

“Since implementing NinjaOne, I’ve become 70% more efficient. I can resolve tickets 98% faster, and I’ve automated our entire software deployment process. Those automations save me over 100 hours a month,”

Brennan Olson, IT Director, Feltl

Improve cross-team collaboration

Dirty data can affect operational efficiency, so it’s important to take extra measures to improve collaboration among teams and ensure that relevant information remains transparent and shared with all stakeholders.

Remember: Your company’s efficiency depends on how well your teams work together, including sharing information in a timely manner.

Review processes

Evaluate your current processes and identify areas for improvement, such as repetitive tasks, resource allocation, and production bottlenecks. One of the best ways to do this is through process mapping, which allows you to visualize all your workflows. You may also want to ask all your teams and end-users for feedback.

Invest in employee training

As previously mentioned, operational efficiency is not cost-cutting. Instead, it involves improving business processes, including investing in employee training. Consider regular workshops for your employees so they can upskill themselves. Not only will this improve productivity, but it may also increase employee satisfaction and reduce turnover.

NinjaOne supports operational efficiency

NinjaOne is committed to helping you improve your operational efficiency with its powerful RMM, consistently rated #1 on G2. Specifically, it is healthily obsessed with supporting 17,000+ MSPs to achieve their business goals much faster with its all-in-one software solution.

NinjaOne’s IT management software has no forced commitments and no hidden fees. If you’re ready, request a free quote, sign up for a 14-day free trial, or watch a demo.

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