What Is Selective Backup?

Every IT team knows about the importance of data backups and IT security in today’s digital world. There are multiple types of backup options available, and one is called selective backup. Selective backup refers to the process through which specific files or directories are chosen for backup, as opposed to backing up the entire system. This approach allows for a greater degree of control over the data that is preserved, ensuring that only necessary and relevant information is securely stored.

What is selective backup?

Selective backup refers to the process where only specific files or directories are selected for backup, instead of the entire system. This method allows for more control over what data is preserved, ensuring that only necessary and important information is stored away safely.

Ways to include or exclude files from selective backups

When it comes to selective backups, there are various methods to include or exclude files. Let’s delve into these techniques:

Selective exclusion

In selective exclusion, certain files or directories are intentionally left out from the backup. This method is particularly useful when the storage space is limited or when certain files are not deemed important.

Selective inclusion

Selective inclusion, on the other hand, involves specifically choosing files or directories for backup. This method ensures that only vital data is backed up, reducing unnecessary storage usage.

Tag-based inclusion

Tag-based inclusion is a more organized approach to selective backup. In this method, files or directories are tagged based on their importance, type, or any other criteria. Only the tagged items are then included in the backup.

Automatic inclusion

Automatic inclusion is a feature where the backup tool automatically selects files or directories based on predefined rules or settings. This method saves time and reduces the risk of human error.

Default inclusion

Default inclusion refers to the backup of files or directories that are automatically included in the backup by the system. These typically include system files or other essential data.

Incremental backup vs. selective backup

Two common types of backups are incremental backup and selective backup. While both serve the purpose of data preservation, they differ in their approach.

Incremental backup involves backing up only the changes made to the data since the last backup. This method is efficient and saves storage space, but it often requires a series of backups for full data restoration.

Selective backup, as discussed earlier, involves choosing specific files or directories for backup. While this method allows for more control over what is backed up, it can be more time-consuming than incremental backups due to the manual selection process.

Manage your backup strategies with NinjaOne

In the digital world, selective backup provides an effective strategy for safeguarding important data. With a clear understanding of the different methods of inclusion and exclusion, one can efficiently manage their data backup strategy. The choice between using selective backup or an alternative like incremental backup largely depends on individual needs and circumstances. Regardless of the method chosen, the importance of regularly backing up data cannot be overstated, as it is a crucial component of any comprehensive data management plan.

Need an easier way to manage your backups and protect your data? NinjaOne is the backup solution you need! Manage all your backups from a single-pane-of-glass, choose from multiple restore options, set up ransomware disaster recovery, and more when you partner with NinjaOne.

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