What Is YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language)?

The world of information technology is replete with numerous tools and languages, each designed to simplify and streamline specific tasks. YAML is one such tool, often employed in configuration files and data exchange between languages with different data structures.

What is YAML?

YAML, an acronym for “YAML Ain’t Markup Language,” is a human-friendly data serialization standard that works well with all programming languages. It provides a comprehensive way to store simple data types such as lists and associative arrays (hashes). It also supports advanced features that allow you to create your own data structures. The YAML format is often preferred over JSON or XML due to its simplicity and readability.

YAML syntax

YAML syntax has a few easy-to-grasp rules, which contribute to its simplicity and readability:

  • Indentation: YAML relies heavily on indentation to represent the hierarchy and nesting of data. Spaces are used for indentation but not tabs. The amount of spaces per level isn’t strictly defined, but two spaces are common practice.
  • File extension: YAML files are saved with a `.yaml` or `.yml` extension.
  • Key-Value pairs: Data is stored in key-value pairs, separated by a colon. For example, `name: John Doe`.
  • Lists: YAML allows for the creation of lists or arrays. A list is a sequence of items, each item beginning with a `-` (dash) and a space. For example:



  • Reading
  • Hiking
  • Coding


  • Comments: Any line that starts with a `#` (hash) is ignored by the YAML parser and can be used to add comments.
  • Multi-line strings: YAML supports multi-line strings, making it easier to represent paragraphs of text or other lengthy strings. Use `|` (pipe symbol) to keep line breaks, or `>` (greater-than symbol) to ignore them.
  • Maps: Associative arrays (maps/hashes/dictionaries) can be represented using indented key-value pairs following a `-` (dash). For example:


  • employee:

name: John Doe

job: Developer


  • Scalars: YAML distinguishes between various types of data, or “scalars”. These include integers, floats, strings, and booleans. YAML can automatically determine the type of scalar, but you can also explicitly specify it. For example, `age: !!int “42”` specifies that age is an integer.

YAML use cases

YAML is leveraged in numerous scenarios due to its human-friendly, easily readable syntax and versatility. Here are some of the top uses of YAML:

  1. Configuration Files: YAML is often used for writing configuration files due to its legibility. Many popular frameworks and tools such as Ruby on Rails, Docker, Kubernetes, and Ansible utilize YAML for their configuration purposes.
  2. Data Serialization: YAML serves as an effective data serialization language. It is commonly used for data exchange between languages with different data structures.
  3. CI/CD Pipeline Configuration: YAML files are used extensively in Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline configurations. Platforms such as GitLab CI, Travis CI, and GitHub Actions rely on YAML files to define the steps and stages of a CI/CD pipeline.
  4. Infrastructure as Code (IaC): YAML is a popular choice in the Infrastructure as Code approach. Solutions like AWS CloudFormation and Kubernetes use YAML to define and provision the various components of cloud infrastructure.

The versatility of YAML in modern tech

YAML is a versatile, user-friendly data serialization format. Its simplicity and readability make it an excellent choice for configuration files, data exchange, and more. One can efficiently create and manage YAML files with a good understanding of YAML syntax and structure.

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