Il monitoraggio dello spazio su disco è una componente di base, ma allo stesso tempo fondamentale, dell’assistenza IT proattiva, essenziale per ridurre il volume dei ticket e mantenere l’integrità e la stabilità del sistema. La mancanza o l’esaurimento dello spazio su disco può ovviamente essere responsabile di una serie di problemi e lamentele da parte degli utenti, dai malfunzionamenti delle applicazioni ai completi arresti anomali del sistema, per cui la creazione di avvisi quando le unità scendono al di sotto di una determinata soglia è un ottimo modo per evitarli. Questo post ti illustrerà in che modo verificare la capacità del disco e avvisare in caso di spazio ridotto, da remoto, su tutta la tua base di utenti. Come si può verificare lo spazio del disco rigido da remoto e inviare un avviso quando lo spazio è ridotto?
- Identifica le unità che intendi monitorare e quelle che (eventualmente) desideri escludere.
- Determina le soglie di spazio su disco che desideri impostare per ciascun tipo di unità.
- Personalizza di conseguenza lo script sottostante.
Questo script PowerShell è stato progettato per segnalare le unità che scendono al di sotto di una percentuale o di un parametro specificato. Tale script fa la distinzione tra unità di sistema (quelle utilizzate per avviare il sistema operativo) e unità di dati, fornendo una panoramica completa dell’utilizzo dello spazio su disco. Lo script è versatile e personalizzabile e consente di impostare i parametri per le unità di sistema e di dati separatamente. È possibile specificare lo spazio libero minimo sia in percentuale che in byte e persino escludere alcune unità dalla verifica. Questa flessibilità è ideale per qualsiasi professionista IT o MSP.
Lo script Disk Space Monitor:
#Requires -Version 2.0 <# .SYNOPSIS Alert on drive(s) that fall below a specified % or size. Distinguishes between System and Data drives. .DESCRIPTION Alert on drive(s) that fall below a specified % or size. Distinguishes between System and Data drives. The system drive is the drive(s) that are used to boot the OS. .EXAMPLE -SystemDriveMinFreePercent 10 -SystemDriveMinFreeBytes 10GB -DataDriveMinFreePercent 20 -DataDriveMinFreeBytes 20GB This checks all Drives .EXAMPLE -ExcludeDrivesCustomField "C,Z" -SystemDriveMinFreePercentCustomField "SystemDriveMinFreePercent" -SystemDriveMinFreeBytes "SystemDriveMinFreeBytes" -DataDriveMinFreePercent "DataDriveMinFreePercent" -DataDriveMinFreeBytes "DataDriveMinFreeBytes" This checks all Drives, except for C: and Z:. Use this if you wish to to custom fields to specify the values from roles or globally. This will pull the values from custom fields that would have otherwise been used from parameters. .EXAMPLE -ExcludeDrivesByNameCustomField "NoMonitor" -SystemDriveMinFreePercentCustomField "SystemDriveMinFreePercent" -SystemDriveMinFreeBytes "SystemDriveMinFreeBytes" -DataDriveMinFreePercent "DataDriveMinFreePercent" -DataDriveMinFreeBytes "DataDriveMinFreeBytes" This checks all Drives, except where a drive name/label contains the text "NoMonitor". Use this if you wish to to custom fields to specify the values from roles or globally. This will pull the values from custom fields that would have otherwise been used from parameters. .EXAMPLE No Parameters Specified This checks all Drives with the defaults: SystemDriveMinFreePercent 10% SystemDriveMinFreeBytes 10GB DataDriveMinFreePercent 20% DataDriveMinFreeBytes 20GB .OUTPUTS None .NOTES Minimum OS Architecture Supported: Windows 7, Windows Server 2012 R2 Release Notes: Initial Release (c) 2023 NinjaOne By using this script, you indicate your acceptance of the following legal terms as well as our Terms of Use at Ownership Rights: NinjaOne owns and will continue to own all right, title, and interest in and to the script (including the copyright). NinjaOne is giving you a limited license to use the script in accordance with these legal terms. Use Limitation: You may only use the script for your legitimate personal or internal business purposes, and you may not share the script with another party. Republication Prohibition: Under no circumstances are you permitted to re-publish the script in any script library or website belonging to or under the control of any other software provider. Warranty Disclaimer: The script is provided “as is” and “as available”, without warranty of any kind. NinjaOne makes no promise or guarantee that the script will be free from defects or that it will meet your specific needs or expectations. Assumption of Risk: Your use of the script is at your own risk. You acknowledge that there are certain inherent risks in using the script, and you understand and assume each of those risks. Waiver and Release: You will not hold NinjaOne responsible for any adverse or unintended consequences resulting from your use of the script, and you waive any legal or equitable rights or remedies you may have against NinjaOne relating to your use of the script. EULA: If you are a NinjaOne customer, your use of the script is subject to the End User License Agreement applicable to you (EULA). #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [String] $ExcludeDrives, $ExcludeDrivesCustomField, # If set, get value from a custom field with this name. [String] $ExcludeDrivesByName, $ExcludeDrivesByNameCustomField, # If set, get value from a custom field with this name. $SystemDriveMinFreePercent = 10, $SystemDriveMinFreePercentCustomField, # If set, get value from a custom field with this name. $SystemDriveMinFreeBytes = 10GB, $SystemDriveMinFreeBytesCustomField, # If set, get value from a custom field with this name. $DataDriveMinFreePercent = 20, $DataDriveMinFreePercentCustomField, # If set, get value from a custom field with this name. $DataDriveMinFreeBytes = 20GB, $DataDriveMinFreeBytesCustomField # If set, get value from a custom field with this name. ) begin { function Get-Size { param ( [string]$String ) switch -wildcard ($String) { '*PB' { [int64]$($String -replace '[^d+]+') * 1PB; break } '*TB' { [int64]$($String -replace '[^d+]+') * 1TB; break } '*GB' { [int64]$($String -replace '[^d+]+') * 1GB; break } '*MB' { [int64]$($String -replace '[^d+]+') * 1MB; break } '*KB' { [int64]$($String -replace '[^d+]+') * 1KB; break } '*B' { [int64]$($String -replace '[^d+]+') * 1; break } '*Bytes' { [int64]$($String -replace '[^d+]+') * 1; break } Default { [int64]$($String -replace '[^d+]+') * 1 } } } function Get-FriendlySize { param($Bytes) # Converts Bytes to the highest matching unit $Sizes = 'Bytes,KB,MB,GB,TB,PB,EB,ZB' -split ',' for ($i = 0; ($Bytes -ge 1kb) -and ($i -lt $Sizes.Count); $i++) { $Bytes /= 1kb } $N = 2 if ($i -eq 0) { $N = 0 } if ($Bytes) { "$([System.Math]::Round($Bytes,$N)) $($Sizes[$i])" }else { "0 B" } } function Invoke-DiskAlert { param ( [PSObject[]]$Drives ) $Drives | ForEach-Object { $Type = if ($_.IsSystemDrive) { "SystemDrive" }else { "DataDrive" } $Drive = $_ if ($Drive.totalSpace -and $Drive.freeSpace / $Drive.totalSpace * 100 -lt $Settings."$Type".MinFreePercent) { Write-Output "$Type ($($Drive.driveName)) free space is under $($Settings."$Type".MinFreePercent)% at $(Get-FriendlySize -Bytes $Drive.freeSpace)" } elseif ($Drive.freeSpace -lt $Settings.$Type.MinFreeBytes) { Write-Output "$Type ($($Drive.driveName)) free space is under $(Get-FriendlySize -Bytes $Settings."$Type".MinFreeBytes) at $(Get-FriendlySize -Bytes $Drive.freeSpace)" } } } function Get-Drive { param([string]$DriveName) if ($(Get-Command -Name "Get-CimInstance")) { Get-CimInstance -Query "select * from Win32_DiskDrive" | Where-Object { $_.Size } | ForEach-Object { $d = $_ $d | ForEach-Object { $Disk = $_ $p = Get-CimInstance -Query "ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_DiskDrive.DeviceID='$($Disk.DeviceID)'} WHERE AssocClass = Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition" $p | ForEach-Object { $Partition = $_ Get-CimInstance -Query "ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_DiskPartition.DeviceID='$($Partition.DeviceID)'} WHERE AssocClass = Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition" | ForEach-Object { $ld = $_ [PSCustomObject]@{ driveName = $ld.DeviceId # C: IsSystemDrive = if ($p | Where-Object { $_.BootPartition }) { $true }else { $false } freeSpace = $ld.FreeSpace # in bytes totalSpace = $ld.Size # in bytes fileSystem = $ld.FileSystem # NTFS physicalName = $d.Name # \.PHYSICALDRIVE2 diskName = $d.Caption # WDC WD5001AALS-xxxxxx diskModel = $d.Model # WDC WD5001AALS-xxxxxx diskInterface = $d.InterfaceType # IDE mediaStatus = $d.Status # OK volumeName = $ld.VolumeName # System volumeSerial = $ld.VolumeSerialNumber # 12345678 } } } } } } else { Get-WmiObject -Query "select * from Win32_DiskDrive" | Where-Object { $_.Size } | ForEach-Object { $d = $_ $d | ForEach-Object { $Disk = $_ $p = Get-WmiObject -Query "ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_DiskDrive.DeviceID='$($Disk.DeviceID)'} WHERE AssocClass = Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition" $p | ForEach-Object { $Partition = $_ Get-WmiObject -Query "ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_DiskPartition.DeviceID='$($Partition.DeviceID)'} WHERE AssocClass = Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition" | ForEach-Object { $ld = $_ [PSCustomObject]@{ driveName = $ld.DeviceId # C: IsSystemDrive = if ($p | Where-Object { $_.BootPartition }) { $true }else { $false } freeSpace = $ld.FreeSpace # in bytes totalSpace = $ld.Size # in bytes fileSystem = $ld.FileSystem # NTFS physicalName = $d.Name # \.PHYSICALDRIVE2 diskName = $d.Caption # WDC WD5001AALS-xxxxxx diskModel = $d.Model # WDC WD5001AALS-xxxxxx diskInterface = $d.InterfaceType # IDE mediaStatus = $d.Status # OK volumeName = $ld.VolumeName # System volumeSerial = $ld.VolumeSerialNumber # 12345678 } } } } } } } } process { # Get values from parameters $Settings = [PSCustomObject]@{ SystemDrive = [PSCustomObject]@{ MinFreePercent = if ($env:SystemDriveMinFreePercent) { $env:SystemDriveMinFreePercent -replace '%' }else { $SystemDriveMinFreePercent } MinFreeBytes = if ($env:SystemDriveMinFreeBytes) { Get-Size -Size $env:SystemDriveMinFreeBytes }else { $SystemDriveMinFreeBytes } } DataDrive = [PSCustomObject]@{ MinFreePercent = if ($env:DataDriveMinFreePercent) { $env:DataDriveMinFreePercent -replace '%' }else { $DataDriveMinFreePercent } MinFreeBytes = if ($env:DataDriveMinFreeBytes) { Get-Size -Size $env:DataDriveMinFreeBytes }else { $DataDriveMinFreeBytes } } } # Get values from custom field if ($SystemDriveMinFreePercentCustomField) { $Settings.SystemDrive.MinFreePercent = Ninja-Property-Get -Name $SystemDriveMinFreePercentCustomField } if ($SystemDriveMinFreeBytesCustomField) { $Settings.SystemDrive.MinFreeBytes = Ninja-Property-Get -Name $SystemDriveMinFreeBytesCustomField } if ($DataDriveMinFreePercentCustomField) { $Settings.DataDrive.MinFreePercent = Ninja-Property-Get -Name $DataDriveMinFreePercentCustomField } if ($DataDriveMinFreeBytesCustomField) { $Settings.DataDrive.MinFreeBytes = Ninja-Property-Get -Name $DataDriveMinFreeBytesCustomField } if ($env:ExcludeDrives) { $ExcludeDrives = $env:ExcludeDrives } if ($ExcludeDrivesCustomField) { $ExcludeDrives = Ninja-Property-Get -Name $ExcludeDrivesCustomField } if ($env:ExcludeDrivesByName) { $ExcludeDrivesByName = $env:ExcludeDrivesByName } if ($env:ExcludeDrivesByNameCustomField) { $ExcludeDrivesByNameCustomField = $env:ExcludeDrivesByNameCustomField } # System.IO.DriveInfo is usable as far back as .NET 2.0 for Windows 7 compatibility. # Reference: # Get drives that are in the ready state $Drives = Get-Drive $Results = if ($Drives) { $DrivesFiltered = if ($ExcludeDrivesByName) { $Drives | Where-Object { $_.volumeName -notlike "*$ExcludeDrivesByName*" } } else { $Drive } if ($ExcludeDrives) { $DriveAlerts = Invoke-DiskAlert -Drives $DrivesFiltered $DriveList = if ($ExcludeDrives -like "*,*") { $ExcludeDrives -split ',' | Sort-Object -Unique } else { $ExcludeDrives -split '' | Sort-Object -Unique | Select-Object -Skip 1 } $DriveList | ForEach-Object { $Drive = $_ $DriveAlerts | Where-Object { $_ -notlike "*$($Drive):*" } } } else { Invoke-DiskAlert -Drives $Drives $DrivesFiltered } } else { # Should never get here, how was the script executed?! "No drives found?!" | Out-String | Write-Host exit 2 } if ($Results) { $Results | Out-String | Write-Host exit 1 } else { Write-Host "No drives found with low free space." exit 0 } } end { $ScriptVariables = @( [PSCustomObject]@{ name = "Exclude Drives" calculatedName = "excludedrives" required = $false defaultValue = $null valueType = "TEXT" valueList = $null description = "List if mounted drives to exclude from low drive check. Example: CFZ or C,F,Z" } [PSCustomObject]@{ name = "Exclude Drives Custom Field" calculatedName = "excludedrivescustomfield" required = $false defaultValue = $null valueType = "TEXT" valueList = $null description = "A custom field to get the value from. List if mounted drives to exclude from low drive check. Example: CFZ or C,F,Z" } [PSCustomObject]@{ name = "Exclude Drives By Name" calculatedName = "excludedrivesbyname" required = $false defaultValue = $null valueType = "TEXT" valueList = $null description = "Exclude drives with with the specified text in it's name/label." } [PSCustomObject]@{ name = "Exclude Drives By Name Custom Field" calculatedName = "excludedrivesbynamecustomfield" required = $false defaultValue = $null valueType = "TEXT" valueList = $null description = "A custom field to get the value from. Exclude drives with with the specified text in it's name/label." } [PSCustomObject]@{ name = "System Drive Minimum Size in Percent" calculatedName = "systemdriveminfreepercent" required = $false defaultValue = [PSCustomObject]@{ type = "TEXT" value = "10%" } valueType = "TEXT" valueList = $null description = "The percentage of free space to alert on when the OS drive is below this percentage. Example: 50 or 50%" } [PSCustomObject]@{ name = "System Drive Minimum Size in Bytes" calculatedName = "systemdriveminfreebytes" required = $false defaultValue = [PSCustomObject]@{ type = "TEXT" value = "10GB" } valueType = "TEXT" valueList = $null description = "The minimum free space to alert on when the OS drive is below this amount. Example: 50GB, 50000MB, or 53687091200" } [PSCustomObject]@{ name = "Data Drive Minimum Size in Percent" calculatedName = "datadriveminfreepercent" required = $false defaultValue = [PSCustomObject]@{ type = "TEXT" value = "20%" } valueType = "TEXT" valueList = $null description = "The percentage of free space to alert on when a Data drive is below this percentage. Example: 50 or 50%" } [PSCustomObject]@{ name = "Data Drive Minimum Size in Bytes" calculatedName = "datadriveminfreebytes" required = $false defaultValue = [PSCustomObject]@{ type = "TEXT" value = "20GB" } valueType = "TEXT" valueList = $null description = "The minimum free space to alert on when the Data drive is below this amount. Example: 50GB, 50000MB, or 53687091200" } [PSCustomObject]@{ name = "System Drive Minimum Size in Percent Custom Field" calculatedName = "systemdriveminfreepercentcustomfield" required = $false defaultValue = $null valueType = "TEXT" valueList = $null description = "A custom field to get the value from. The percentage of free space to alert on when the OS drive is below this percentage. Example: 50 or 50%" } [PSCustomObject]@{ name = "System Drive Minimum Size in Bytes Custom Field" calculatedName = "systemdriveminfreebytescustomfield" required = $false defaultValue = $null valueType = "TEXT" valueList = $null description = "A custom field to get the value from. The minimum free space to alert on when the OS drive is below this amount. Example: 50GB, 50000MB, or 53687091200" } [PSCustomObject]@{ name = "Data Drive Minimum Size in Percent Custom Field" calculatedName = "datadriveminfreepercentscustomfield" required = $false defaultValue = $null valueType = "TEXT" valueList = $null description = "A custom field to get the value from. The percentage of free space to alert on when a Data drive is below this percentage. Example: 50 or 50%" } [PSCustomObject]@{ name = "Data Drive Minimum Size in Bytes Custom Field" calculatedName = "datadriveminfreebytescustomfield" required = $false defaultValue = $null valueType = "TEXT" valueList = $null description = "A custom field to get the value from. The minimum free space to alert on when the Data drive is below this amount. Example: 50GB, 50000MB, or 53687091200" } ) $ScriptName = "Condition Low Disk Space Alert" }
Accedi a oltre 700 script nel Dojo di NinjaOne Ottieni l’accesso
Come funziona lo script Disk Space Monitor
Lo script funziona raccogliendo innanzitutto informazioni su tutte le unità del sistema. Questo script filtra quindi le unità che hai scelto di escludere e verifica le unità rimanenti in base ai parametri impostati. Se un’unità scende al di sotto dello spazio libero minimo specificato, lo script ti manderà un avviso, dando la possibilità di intervenire prima che diventi un problema. Una delle caratteristiche principali di questo script è la capacità di estrarre i valori dai campi personalizzati. Ciò significa che è possibile specificare i valori a livello globale o dai ruoli, aggiungendo un ulteriore livello di personalizzazione allo script.
Trasformare la gestione IT con NinjaOne
Sebbene sia possibile monitorare lo spazio su disco utilizzando rigorosamente PowerShell da un computer locale, esiste un modo ancora migliore per gestire le risorse IT in remoto e su larga scala: NinjaOne. NinjaOne è una piattaforma di gestione unificata dell’IT che incorpora le fasi di risoluzione, utilizzando se necessario degli script, nelle policy del dispositivo altamente flessibili, che determinano quando vengono raggiunte le soglie di allarme e le azioni successive da intraprendere. NinjaOne offre l’accesso a centinaia di script che possono essere utili, inclusa la possibilità di crearne di propri in quasi tutti i linguaggi di scripting. NinjaOne può aiutarti a monitorare e gestire tutti gli endpoint IT su larga scala da un’unica dashboard. Grazie a policy e script, è possibile automatizzare praticamente qualsiasi attività di routine, dall’installazione di patch software alla generazione di report, risparmiando tempo e gestendo in modo proattivo i problemi prima che diventino tali.