Remediate Issues Before They Happen with Customizable Notification Channels

Proactively manage your endpoints with notification channels that get critical alerts to your technicians no matter where they are and regardless of what tools they use.
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Capterra Shortlist 2024
Software Advice Best Customer Support 2022 badge

Key Features

Slack Integration


NinjaOne notifications can be pushed directly to Slack, ensuring your technicians can be alerted if an issue arises directly in Slack. Users can set up names and descriptions of each new communication channel and handpick the alerts they want to push over to specified Slack channels. With the ability to go directly to the device or reset the alert directly from Slack, there is a two-way communication between Ninja and Slack.

Teams Integration


NinjaOne integrated with Microsoft Teams via webhook. Users can push custom notifications to their technicians in channels via Teams. These notifications ensure technicians have eyes on issues and can alert Ninjas in the tools they use for communication for rapid response and coordination.

PagerDuty Integration


NinjaOne’s PagerDuty integration allows you to push notifications to PagerDuty workflows. Notifications that are pushed to PagerDuty kick off an emergency notifications and incident response workflows. This functionality ensures technicians get urgent notifications after hours.

Webhooks, SMS, and Email


NinjaOne also offers users the ability to push notifications via SMS, email, and webhooks giving you flexibility to notify technicians in almost any channel and ensure urgent notifications reach technicians where they are.

See the product

Ninja is a fantastic RMM tool.

Network administrators can make managing hundreds if not thousands of machines an achievable task. It's fast, it's simple, and it just works."

Finally! Efficient Network Management!

Fast access to my customer machines and machine data; excellent BIG PICTURE of my customers and their sites. I save time not having to ask customers for information, also not having to hunt for information.”

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