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Why The Sofia Group Partners with NinjaOne to Manage its Growing IT Infrastructure

  • Manual patch management
  • Lack of scalability
  • Automated patch management
  • Full migration of 500 devices in less than 30 days
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Visão geral

The Sofia Group is a formidable holding company with a multiple-industry portfolio. Renowned brands like Le Roi Merlin, Jardiland, and Literie Valentin find their place within the group’s diverse company network. When the Sofia Group acquired four additional companies at the onset of 2023, the IT team recognized the need for a more reliable endpoint management solution.

“We [wanted] a more modern and intuitive solution. The interface of our prior [tool], N-able RMM, seemed stagnant and not up-to-date,” said Vincent Ramirez, systems and networks administrator at the Sofia Group.

Learn how the IT team at The Sofia Group leveraged NinjaOne to modernize its IT environment, automate manual tasks, and increase efficiency across their network.

A solution ready for growth

“With NinjaOne, we have an intuitive and centralized solution that prepares us perfectly for the ambitious growth goals of management,” said Ramirez.

Smooth, 30-day migration

The integration of NinjaOne was a seamless endeavor. 500 workstations were effectively migrated within a span of approximately one month.

A one-stop-shop for IT management

[With NinjaOne], Ramirez possesses the capability to automate patch deployment and conveniently schedule reboots for both servers and workstations, all within a unified and centralized platform.

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