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Why the Solothurn Hospitals Switched to NinjaOne for Patch Management

  • On-premise, unreliable patch management
  • Manual patch monitoring
  • Unreliable reporting
  • Cloud-native, mature patch management
  • 22% reduction in workload
  • Recovered and fully patched servers


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Visão geral

Solothurner Spitäler is an integral part of a non-profit corporation overseeing the public hospitals in Switzerland’s Solothurn. Given the rising prevalence of ransomware attacks targeting healthcare facilities across Europe, securing the IT infrastructure of hospitals is imperative. The IT team at Solothurner Spitäler Initially relied on WSUS to patch and secure network devices. However, security concerns arose due to WSUS’s unreliable patch management and on-premise setup. Yanick Chief, systems engineer at Solothurner Spitäler, looked for a new patch management solution to manage all network devices securely. Find out how NinjaOne goes above and beyond the Chief’s expectations for patch management and security, ultimately driving efficiency for Solothurner Spitäler.

time savings graphic

Workload reduction

“Thanks to the intuitive NinjaOne user interface and the robust Windows server patching, we were able to reduce our workload by 22%,” said Michel Schmid, IT team member at Solothurner Spitäler.

OS patching dashboard

Reliable and robust patch management

NinjaOne ensures a clear separation between patch scans and installations, mitigating risks and providing a more reliable approach to patch management.

MDM screenshot

Accurate reporting bolsters security

“[After] migrating to NinjaOne, we found that some of the 430 servers hadn’t been patched in months,” said Chief.

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