How to Automate 10 Common IT Time Wasters

How to Automate 10 Common IT Time Wasters

Get your how-to guide to tackling 10 of the most common IT time wasters. Learn how to reduce ticket volume 20%-50%, stop relying on end users to regularly reboot their devices, enable users to restore their own files and save time, and more.

Shadow IT Report

What we do in the shadows: The Dangers of hidden IT behavior

Shadow IT, or unmanaged devices or software, in an organization represents an opportunity for MSPs to deliver more value and tighten their clients’ security. The truth is, shadow IT isn’t so innocent and it carries the risk of violating data privacy laws, distorting IT budgets and more. Read more to get insight into how shadow IT is impacting the organization and how to turn security gaps into opportunities.

Managed Services Pricing Calculator

MSP Pricing Calculator graphic

Are your managed services offerings as profitable as they should be? Use this free calculator to determine your costs, margins, and optimal pricing.

Making the Case for Remote Monitoring and Management

Making the Case for Remote Monitoring and Management This infographic provides you with the facts and insights you need to make the case for an RMM at your company or sell to your clients. DOWNLOAD NOW With employees wasting 8+ hours per month on IT issues, IT efficiency has a direct impact on businesses. For […]

Google My Business for MSPs

google my business msp resources center

Looking for a low-hanging fruit opportunity to generate more leads for your MSP? Optimizing your Google My Business listing is a low-effort project that has big potential.

How to Nurture and Convert Your Sales Leads

msp sales nurturing tips resources

How do you turn cold leads into warm opportunities? Join us as we share examples of how to build appointment-winning sales cadences and email nurt ure campaigns with MSP marketing expert Kevin Clune.

Managed Services Agreement Template

managed services agreement template

Whether you’re starting out with your first MSA or revisiting your current one, this example managed services agreement template will provide a solid basis for comparison. It’s been updated to apply to these times, with Force Majeure language and sample clauses addressing remote work, payment deferrals, and more.

Updating Your MSA for the New Normal

Updating MSA icon

Find out what new terms and conditions MSPs need to consider adding to their managed services agreements to protect themselves from new liability and payment issues.

Ransomware Resiliency Report 2020

ransomware resiliency report feature

New research conducted by NinjaOne and Coveware highlights the gap in perceived risk and anticipated damage from ransomware attacks vs. the reality.

Adapting Sales and Marketing During the Crisis

adapting sales and marketing to COVID

For this week’s MSP Live Chat we were joined by Kevin Clune, co-founder at MSP Growth Hacks, to answer a question we’ve been hearing a lot: “How are you supposed to be generating leads and new clients for your MSP during a time like this?”


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