Kick-start 2023 by mastering new skills

Get 4 weeks of free training videos and challenges designed to help you level-up

It’s a new year and we want to help you start it right!

Whether you’re looking to sharpen your tech skills, or you’re an MSP owner ready to grow and scale your business, ReBootcamp will help you set up the right goals and knock them down.

  • Practical how-to videos and challenges: From hands-on experts, operators, and coaches.
  • Quick enough to tackle daily: Too busy? Nah, think again. Each week you’ll receive 10 new bite-sized, on-demand sessions that you can either immediately binge or work through at your own pace.
  • No leg warmers required: But, hey, if they’re helping you get into the spirit then you do you!

Track 1: NinjaOne Mastery

Get more out of Ninja, make your job easier, and awe your team with your newfound flawless execution and go-to expertise.

  • Week 1: Core Basics Crash Course
  • Week 2: Better Patch Management
  • Week 3: Higher-Efficiency Monitoring & Automation
  • Week 4: Advanced Tips

Track 2: MSP Growth Accelerator

Set your business on the right trajectory to scale and thrive by capturing new opportunities, maturing your operations, and making your MSP one that clients and employees flock to.

  • Week 1: 2023 Planning & KPIs
  • Week 2: Pricing & Packaging
  • Week 3: Client Management
  • Week 4: Sales & Marketing

Sign up now and get access to both!

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