NinjaOne + HaloPSA Integration

Med NinjaOne + HaloPSA-integrationen får MSP:er den ledande kombinationen av RMM och PSA för att driva effektiv tjänsteleverans och lönsam affärshantering.

Kombinerar två kraftfullt enkla lösningar för endpoint- och affärshantering







Få automatiserad, kontextrik ärendegenerering, sluten larmloop och bättre fakturering med NinjaOne + HaloPSA-integrationen

NinjaOne + HaloPSA

Kartläggning av enheter och organisation. 

Customer-related issues are generally handled in HaloPSA and device-related issues are handled within NinjaOne. The first step is then to map all client devices, their software, and their associated organizations and locations between the two tools. Mapping and synching is done within HaloPSA with asset matching fields used to ensure there are no duplications.

Schemalagda dataimporter.

The HaloPSA Integrator is used to schedule when and how frequently data flows between the solutions, usually determined by how often the data may change — organizations and locations may be imported daily while device alerts will be imported immediately using NinjaOne webhooks

Meddelanden om biljettupplösning. 

When alerts are imported, they automatically generate a HaloPSA ticket, configured by alert type, device type, and organization in which the affected device resides. The ticket is assigned using the rules defined within HalosPSA. Once the ticket is resolved, its status syncs back to the NinjaOne and appears in the device activity list.  Documentation on the integration can be found in the HaloPSA product site and is linked to from the NinjaOne Dojo
HaloPSA Screenshot

Vill du lära dig mer om HaloPSA? Titta på den här introduktionsvideon.

Fördelar med integrering av NinjaOne + HaloPSA

Intuitivt och lätt att använda
NinjaOne RMM and HaloPSA are both highly rated by customers on G2 as being both “Easiest to Use” and “Most Implementable”. Fast to onboard and simple to learn, your time to value is a fraction of that for traditional RMM or PSA solutions.
Although simple to learn, both NinjaOne and HaloPSA are highly customizable to fit your unique business needs. NinjaOne uses hierarchical policy setting to meet individual client needs and enables automated response and remediation actions incorporating pre-built scripts for hands-free device management. HaloPSA lets you create templates for tickets, service offerings, contracts and more for a highly tailored solution.
Cloud-native architecture ensures that both NinjaOne and HaloPSA are fast and responsive, agnostic to an endpoint’s location. And both work equally well with Windows, Mac, or Linux endpoints.
With the combination of NinjaOne and HaloPSA, you have everything you need to run your MSP whether you’re managing 100 or 100,000 endpoints or 10 or 1,000 customers.
Både NinjaOne och HaloPSA är utformade för att vara intuitiva, mycket konfigurerbara och katalysatorer för operativ effektivitet, så det är inte förvånande att hundratals MSP:er har valt båda lösningarna för att driva sin managed service-verksamhet. 
Med ett genomsnittligt betyg på 4,8 av 5 stjärnor på G2 behåller båda företagen sina starka ledarpositioner kvartal efter kvartal.
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G2 Leader badge Most Implementable Summer 2023 Badge Endpoint Management Best Results Summer 2023 Top 50 Security Products 2023 Badge Best Usability Badge Best Relationship Badge Best Usability
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“NinjaRMM is the best software that I didn’t know I needed.” -Dan Reynolds, Director of IT, Mid-Market
“Vi skulle inte kunna driva vår verksamhet utan Halo.” -Mark Lonnen, Small Business
“I really enjoy working with a vendor that feels like an extension of my team.” – Darrell King, Mid-Market
“The application is completely customizable allowing you to adapt it to suit your requirements.” -Joel Becker, Small Business

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